Technology Not For Her?

Technology Not For Her?

Originally published at, this guest post was written by Eva Yayi Mawa, Co-Founder of the GoGirls-ICT Initiative and Lecturer at the University of Juba. She is part of the Global Innovation Gathering, a diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community spaces and initiatives as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemakers.   When I was growing up, one of my half-brothers was not happy that my dad was spending money to send a girl to school; his argument was that one day I would get married and all the money spent on me would be a waste since I was going to benefit my husband’s family and not my dad. This kind of stereotype has been attached to many women across the globe — and especially in my country, South Sudan. As a result, many women in my country are being left behind when it comes to education and opportunities for establishing a career and independence. Pursuing my Computer...
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Science is a type of energy

Science is a type of energy

There’s something magical happening here in Berlin. Every year the Global Innovation Gathering brings people from all across the world who create empowering community spaces together, and this year we have our friends from Basra, Palestine, and Egypt as a part of our crew. The Global Entrepreneurship and Maker Space Initiative [GEMSI], has been supporting the development of collaborative community spaces across MENA and I took the opportunity to be with our crew in person to discuss some of our history and some of our dreams for the future. (more…)...
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